If only I had known about the La Leche League some fifty years ago when I did not successfully breastfeed two babies and didn’t even try with a third. If only I had possessed such a book as Have Milk, Will Travel, maybe, just maybe, I would have been successful. If not, it wouldn’t have been for the lack of ideas, encouragement, consolation, and the gift of laughter. Have Milk, Will Travel is a small book of 32 accounts (prose, a poem, and a cartoon) of the pleasures, the challenges and, the surprises of breastfeeding, plus insightful preface and forewords by the editor, Rachel Epp Buller, and two lactation consultants, Corky Harvey and Wendy Haldeman.
How to Cite
Rupp Mueller, B., (2014) “Rachel Epp Buller (ed.), Have Milk, Will Travel: Adventures in Breastfeeding (Bradford, Ontario: Demeter Press, 2013), pp. 147, ISBN: 1927335213, £ 9.70, paperback.”, Studies in the Maternal 6(1), 1-5. doi: https://doi.org/10.16995/sim.13